Monday, November 22, 2010


November 22, 2010

Dr. Terry B. Grier
Houston ISD
4400 West 18th Street

Houston, Texas 77092-8501

Dear Dr. Grier:

I was a student at HISD schools through my middle years. My experiences were at River Oaks Elementary and then at Pershing Middle School. I went to a private high school but I was able to observe public high schools. Many schools have neither adequate funding nor enough adequate teachers. I do not believe that programs aimed at improving faltering schools have accomplished the desired effect. There are systems in place that allow a struggling school’s administration to be taken over by an outside group. This approach undermines the employees that have put in their time.

There is no cookie-cutter method to running a school. No one knows how to deal with their student body better than the faculty that has dealt with them all along. An outside group will have an uphill to earn the respect of the students. Motivation of the students is the most important thing. Wholesale changes are a quick fix to long-term issues. The old adage about teaching a man to fish rather than giving him a fish applies. Groups with experience in turning around school can work with the administration in place and then leave them with a plan. This would also lessen the number of lost jobs in a down economy.

I greatly appreciate the time you took to read my input. Obviously I do not know the intricacies of the school system, or if my ideas are even possible to implement. Thank you again because a new the Superintendent of such a large school district is very busy.

Avery Carmichael

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